

The Filtek Centrifugal Oil Cleaner model FT200/400/600 are widely used on marine generators on ships and on main engines of tugboats, supply ships, fishing trawlers etc as a very effective Bypass lube oil filtration unit. The centrifuge is driven by the lube oil pressure of the engine to clean the oil down to 1 micron level. This cleanable unit requires no consumables and is very effective in increasing the oil drain intervals as well as the time between engine overhauls. The inlet to the centrifuge is taken from the lube oil pump / main oil filter head / cooler and the oil is drained back to the tank through the crankcase cover under gravity.


  • Longer oil life
  • Increased life of Bearings/Crankshaft/Camshaft
  • Increased life of piston rings/Liners
  • Fully cleanable unit